The newest nugget has survived five whole weeks of being in the world, and I forget he's STILL supposed to have one more week to cook. Any baby that can withstand Ellis' smothering kisses and his repeated efforts to forcefully "share" crackers has got to be a fighter.
Seeing Cal has made something click that began clicking a long time ago but maybe never fully made it. I'm seeing swirls of the truths of what makes life go and what people really long to get out of it. I'm afraid I'm going to get addicted to new babies because of it! (Just kidding, not really kidding, what?)
I'm trying to approach this new life phase in a cerebral way. If its going to be my job, I want to have a plan of attack. From everything you hear, there are things that seem to need keeping in order to prevent brain atrophy, boredom, loss of personality etc. The things that make us scared. Any suggestions for conquering these beasts are welcome.
One of my strategies, among others, is self-improvement.
Here's a nerdy PSA to any other lovers of the classics who happen to be living on a very tight budget-- I recently discovered the app called Audiobooks, which is basically a free way to listen to tons of old books. It's become a major tool in my self-improvement/SAHM toolbox, and I'm so excited I just have to share!
This week I have been listening to Howard's End by E.M Forster, and it may have finally taken the elusive spot as my favorite book, which is a big deal to me. This is probably the third time I've read (or listened) to it, and it still speaks to me in many ways. I love that. Not to mention there is a movie adaptation with Emma Thompson and directed by James Ivory. Lovers of period pieces rejoice! Nuff said.
With that I'll leave it for today and resume my snuggles. Small victories.
(Gratuitous snuggle photo, who can resist?)
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